2 team's r cleaning highways it takes 1 team 5 minutes to clean 200 yards how many minutes will it take to clean 2 miles?

First convert yards to miles:

200 yards = 0.114 miles

Set up a relation:

(5mins/0.114miles) = x / 2miles

Solve for x to get answer in minutes

It takes 1 team 5 minutes to clean 200 yards

It takes 2 teams 5 minutes to clean 400 yards
(assuming they don't get in each other's way)

1760/400 = 22/5

It takes 2 teams 5(22/5) minutes to clean 1760 yards
<b<It takes 2 teams 22 minutes to clean 1 mile

(DonHo's answer is appr 87.7 minutes)

44 min

To find out how many minutes it will take to clean 2 miles, we need to convert the given information into a common unit of measurement.

1 team takes 5 minutes to clean 200 yards.

First, let's convert yards to miles since we want the final answer in terms of miles.

1 mile = 1760 yards (this is a conversion factor)

So, we can calculate the number of yards in 2 miles:

2 miles * 1760 yards/mile = 3520 yards

Now, we know that 1 team can clean 200 yards in 5 minutes. We can set up a proportion to find the answer:

1 team's cleaning time / 200 yards = total cleaning time / 3520 yards


1 team's cleaning time * 3520 yards = 200 yards * total cleaning time


3520 team's cleaning time = 200 total cleaning time

Dividing both sides by 3520:

team's cleaning time = (200 total cleaning time) / 3520

Now, we want to solve for the total cleaning time when the yards cleaned is 3520 (2 miles).

total cleaning time = (200 * 3520) / 3520

Canceling out 3520:

total cleaning time = 200 minutes

Therefore, it will take 200 minutes for 1 team to clean 2 miles of highways.