The second part of the question says compare the ratios. Is Celeste using the correct ratio of apples to oranges?

She isn't if it said 5/6 and she is doing 2/3 because 2/3 is the same as 4/6 which is different from 5/6

Compare the ratios is.Celeste using the correct ratio of appels to


To compare the ratios, we need to first determine the ratio of apples to oranges Celeste used, and then compare it to the correct ratio.

To find Celeste's ratio of apples to oranges, we divide the given number of apples by the number of oranges. In this case, Celeste used 6 apples and 4 oranges, so her ratio would be 6 apples : 4 oranges.

The correct ratio mentioned in the first part of the question is 3 apples to 2 oranges. Now, we need to figure out if Celeste's ratio is the same as the correct ratio. We can do this by simplifying both ratios and then comparing them.

Simplifying Celeste's ratio of 6 apples : 4 oranges, we divide both numbers by their greatest common divisor, which in this case is 2. So, the simplified ratio is 3 apples : 2 oranges.

Comparing the simplified ratios, we can see that Celeste's ratio of 3 apples : 2 oranges is the same as the correct ratio of 3 apples : 2 oranges. Therefore, Celeste is using the correct ratio of apples to oranges.