The cans manufactured at a factory must have a capacity of 355 mL, with a maximum variation of less than 2mL.Cans with capacities outside this limit are rejected. Which inequality best represents the capacity, v, in ml, of a can that will be rejected?

355-2 < v < 355+2

The inequality that represents the capacity of a can that will be rejected is:

v < 355 - 2 or v > 355 + 2

This means that if the capacity of the can is less than 353 mL or greater than 357 mL, it will be rejected.

To represent the capacity, v, of a can that will be rejected, we need to find the range of acceptable capacities and then express it in terms of an inequality.

Given that the acceptable capacity of a can is 355 mL with a maximum variation of less than 2 mL, we can express this as:

355 mL - 2 mL ≤ v ≤ 355 mL + 2 mL

Simplifying this inequality, we get:

353 mL ≤ v ≤ 357 mL

Therefore, the inequality that best represents the capacity, v, in mL, of a can that will be rejected is:

v < 353 mL or v > 357 mL