S = 2πr2 + 2πrh

can you help me ms.sue i don't know how to do the problem

I don't see a problem. What is your question about that formula?

The equation you provided is the formula for the surface area of a cylinder. It calculates the total area of all the surfaces of the cylinder, including the curved surface and the two bases.

To understand how this formula is derived, let's break it down:

S = 2πr^2 + 2πrh

The surface area of a cylinder consists of two parts:
1. The surface area of the two circular bases: 2πr^2.
- This part of the formula calculates the area of the two circular bases by multiplying the square of the radius (r) by 2π.
- Since the formula multiplies by 2, it accounts for both the top and bottom bases.

2. The surface area of the curved side (lateral surface area): 2πrh.
- This part of the formula calculates the area of the rectangular shape formed when you unroll the curved side of the cylinder.
- It involves multiplying the circumference of the base (2πr) by the height (h).

By adding both parts together, you get the total surface area of the cylinder.

To use this formula, you need to know the radius (r) and height (h) of the cylinder. Plug in the values into the formula, perform the calculations, and you'll obtain the surface area of the cylinder.