The Martin family's truck gets an average o 25 miles per gallon. Predict how many miles they can drive using 7 gallons of gas?

25 miles per gallon x 7 gallons used=175 miles driven


Can you please check the above answer?

Thank you



To check the answer, we can calculate the average number of miles per gallon that the Martin family's truck gets. According to the information given, the truck gets an average of 25 miles per gallon.

Now, we can multiply the number of gallons used (7 gallons) by the average miles per gallon to find out how many miles they can drive.

Calculating: 25 miles per gallon x 7 gallons used = 175 miles.

Therefore, the answer is correct. The Martin family can drive approximately 175 miles using 7 gallons of gas.

Thank you for checking on this.