1. Quel travail voulez-vous? (What job do you want?)

- Je veux être un pédiatre .

2. Quel type d'education avez-vous recu? (What kind of education have you received?
- I got my M.D in med school and finished pediatric residency.
J'ai obtenu mon M.D à l'école med , et fini résidence en pédiatrie .

3. Quelles competences avez-vous et comment vous les utiliserez a ce travail? (teacher says answer has to be in simple future & same with question #4 but I don't know if I did that right.)
- I will need patience and love for working with kids health.
J'aurai besoin les patients et l'amour pour le travail avec la santé des enfants.

4. Quelles forces avez-vous et comment ils ajouteront a notre entreprise? (how can I make this sentence into simple future tense)
- I will have a positive attitude and support my patients making them happy.
J'aurai une attitude positive et de soutenir mes patients qui les rend heureux.

5. Si vous gagniez le travail, quel salaire voudriez-vous? (is this in the right conditional form bc teacher says it has to be)
I would like to earn 200 thousand dollars.
Je voudrais gagner deux cent mille dollars .

I'll send this to our French expert, SraJMcGin.

Did I word the wordings right and is #3 & #4 in its right simple future and is #5 is in its proper conditional form? I'd appreciate the help!

1. With non-modified professions, there is no article = être pédiatre...

2. Did you write the questions or merely copy them? reçu requires an accent...

méd. (accent) & it's better to repeat "j,ai fini...". la résidence...

3. ...les utiliserez-vous (better with inversion)...à. (accent)

4. ajouteront-ils (inversion)...à (accent)..."les patients" are the people; you need "de la patience"... et je soutiendrai...pour les rendre...

5. ...deux-cent-mille dollars....

OTherwise = bon travail!

Sra (aka Mme)


de rien!

Sra (aka Mme)

1. To express what job you want, you can use the phrase "Je veux être" followed by the name of the job. In your case, you want to be a pediatrician, so you would say "Je veux être un pédiatre."

2. To talk about your education, you can say "J'ai obtenu" followed by the name of the degree or qualification that you received. In this case, you received an M.D. at med school, so you would say "J'ai obtenu mon M.D à l'école de médecine." Additionally, to mention completing your residency, you can say "et j'ai terminé ma résidence en pédiatrie."

3. To talk about your skills and how you will use them in the job, you can use the phrase "J'aurai besoin de" followed by the skills you possess. In this case, you mentioned needing patience and love for working with children's health, so you would say "J'aurai besoin de patience et d'amour pour travailler avec la santé des enfants."

4. To talk about your strengths and how they will contribute to the company, you can use the phrase "J'aurai" followed by the strengths you have. In this case, you mentioned having a positive attitude and supporting your patients, making them happy. So you would say "J'aurai une attitude positive et je soutiendrai mes patients, les rendant heureux."

5. To express the salary you would like to earn if you got the job, you can use the phrase "Je voudrais gagner" followed by the amount in numbers and the currency. In this case, you mentioned wanting to earn 200 thousand dollars, so you would say "Je voudrais gagner deux cent mille dollars."

Overall, your answers are mostly correct, with just a few minor adjustments needed to ensure correct grammar and sentence structure.