Eleven more than twice a number has the same value as 8 times 'the difference of the number and 5'. (Remember that 'difference' means to subtract).

What is the value of the number?

Just translate the English to Math

let the number be x

"Eleven more than twice a number has the same value as 8 times 'the difference of the number and 5"

11 + 2x = 8(x-5)

solve for x , let me know what you got
Hint: it is not a whole number




To solve this problem, we need to set up an equation using the given information and then solve for the value of the number.

Let's assume the number we are looking for is represented by 'x.'

The first part of the given information states "Eleven more than twice a number." Translating this into an equation, we have:

2x + 11

The second part of the given information states that "it has the same value as 8 times 'the difference of the number and 5'." Translating this into an equation, we have:

8(x - 5)

Since these two expressions are equal, we can set them equal to each other:

2x + 11 = 8(x - 5)

Now we can solve for 'x'.

First, distribute the 8 on the right side of the equation:

2x + 11 = 8x - 40

Next, simplify the equation by combining like terms:

11 + 40 = 8x - 2x

51 = 6x

To isolate 'x', divide both sides of the equation by 6:

51/6 = x

Simplifying the expression on the left:

8.5 = x

Therefore, the value of the number is 8.5.