Which technological advancements were vital to the growth of ancient Sumerian civilization? Select all that apply.

advanced irrigation systems
papyrus production and usage
development of writing systems
expansion of trade networks
construction of monumental architecture

To determine which technological advancements were vital to the growth of ancient Sumerian civilization, we can analyze each option and consider their impact on Sumerian society.

1. Advanced Irrigation Systems: This is a significant contribution to the development of agriculture in Mesopotamia. Sumerians utilized advanced irrigation techniques, such as canals and levees, to control the flow of water and divert it for agricultural purposes. These systems allowed them to cultivate crops more efficiently and support a growing population, fostering economic stability and societal advancement. Therefore, advanced irrigation systems were indeed vital to the growth of the Sumerian civilization.

2. Papyrus Production and Usage: Papyrus was not commonly used in Sumerian civilization. Papyrus refers to a type of writing material made from the papyrus plant, primarily utilized in ancient Egypt. While the Sumerians did have their own writing system, they primarily used clay tablets for documentation, rather than papyrus. Thus, papyrus production and usage were not vital to the Sumerian civilization.

3. Development of Writing Systems: The development of writing systems, specifically cuneiform script, was a crucial technological advancement in Sumerian civilization. This system enabled the recording and preservation of information, leading to advancements in administration, politics, trade, and literature. Writing created a means for transmitting knowledge across generations and facilitated recordkeeping, legal documentation, and the dissemination of religious and cultural ideas. The development of writing systems was undoubtedly vital to the growth of the Sumerian civilization.

4. Expansion of Trade Networks: The expansion of trade networks played a significant role in Sumerian civilization. As a result of trade, the Sumerians could obtain resources not readily available in their region, promoting economic growth and cultural exchange. Trade networks allowed for enhanced connectivity, leading to the sharing of ideas, technologies, and goods, contributing to the overall development of the Sumerian civilization. Therefore, the expansion of trade networks was vital to their growth.

5. Construction of Monumental Architecture: The construction of monumental architecture, such as ziggurats and temples, was indeed an important aspect of Sumerian civilization. These grand structures served as religious centers, political symbols, and architectural achievements. However, while monumental architecture was significant to their culture, it was not a technological advancement itself but rather a manifestation of cultural and social advancement. Thus, it can be considered vital to the growth of Sumerian civilization but not as a technological advancement.

In conclusion, the technological advancements that were vital to the growth of ancient Sumerian civilization from the given list are advanced irrigation systems, the development of writing systems, and the expansion of trade networks.

The technological advancements that were vital to the growth of ancient Sumerian civilization include:

1. Advanced irrigation systems: Sumerians developed sophisticated irrigation methods such as canals and dikes to control water flow, which allowed for the cultivation of crops in arid regions.

3. Development of writing systems: Sumerians were among the first civilizations to develop a system of writing known as cuneiform. This enabled them to record information, keep records, and communicate more efficiently.

4. Expansion of trade networks: Sumerians established extensive trade networks, facilitated by the development of wheeled carts and boats. This enabled the exchange of goods and ideas with neighboring regions.

5. Construction of monumental architecture: Ancient Sumerians constructed impressive architectural structures, including ziggurats and city walls. These structures served as symbols of power and provided a focal point for religious and administrative activities.

Therefore, the correct options are:
- Advanced irrigation systems
- Development of writing systems
- Expansion of trade networks
- Construction of monumental architecture