Which of the following describes trade in the Late Middle Ages?


is it a pls help

b is wrong

To determine which option describes trade in the Late Middle Ages, let's analyze the options provided:

1. Far-reaching: This option suggests that trade during the Late Middle Ages spanned over long distances. This means that goods were likely exchanged beyond local boundaries, potentially involving international trade routes.

2. Limited: This option suggests that trade during the Late Middle Ages was constrained or restricted in some way. This could imply limited access to goods, limited trade routes, or limitations imposed by various political or economic factors.

3. Local: This option suggests that trade during the Late Middle Ages was primarily conducted within a localized area. It implies that trade was focused on regional or nearby markets, rather than extending beyond local boundaries.

4. Secret: This option suggests that trade during the Late Middle Ages was conducted in a secretive or confidential manner. It implies a lack of openness or transparency in the trading practices of that era.

To correctly identify the option that describes trade in the Late Middle Ages, we need to consider the historical context. During this time, the Late Middle Ages, which spanned from the 14th to the 15th centuries, trade began to experience significant growth and expansion. Trading routes expanded, and new commodities were introduced.

Given this context, the option that best describes trade in the Late Middle Ages is "Far-reaching." This aligns with the increased exploration and expansion of trading networks during that period.

To arrive at this conclusion, it is essential to have knowledge of historical events, economic factors, and changes in trade patterns during the Late Middle Ages. Consultation of reputable historical sources or textbooks would provide a more comprehensive understanding of this topic.

b I think
