The number of blocks has 9 in the ones place.The number in the hundreds place is one more than the number in the tens place.Those two numbers equal 11.How many blocks are there?



but x+1 + x = 11
2x = 10
x = 5

the number is 659

Where do the "blocks" enter the picture?

To find the number of blocks, we need to solve the given clues step by step.

Let's start by setting up a system of equations based on the given information:

Let x represent the number in the tens place.
Then, x + 1 represents the number in the hundreds place.
And the number in the ones place is 9.

Now we can set up the first equation from the clue "The number in the ones place has 9":

Ones place: 9

Next, according to the clue "The number in the hundreds place is one more than the number in the tens place", we have:

Hundreds place: x + 1

Finally, the clue "Those two numbers equal 11" gives us the equation:

Ones place + Hundreds place = 11
9 + (x + 1) = 11

Now let's solve the equation:

9 + x + 1 = 11
x + 10 = 11
x = 11 - 10
x = 1

We have found that the number in the tens place, x, is 1.

Now, to find the number of blocks, we combine the digits we found:
Hundreds place: x + 1 = 1 + 1 = 2
Tens place: x = 1
Ones place: 9

So, the number of blocks is 219.