what part of sentence is wrong?

The most important things in my life are making money, traveling abroad, and to live well. The most

the most-in-are-to live

I think are.

I'll gladly check your answer.

so are is right


so,which is right

Think about what you know about parallel structure.


i got u == to live should be change because of ing form

Yes! You've got it.

tnxx alot

You're welcome.

To determine what part of the sentence is wrong, we need to analyze the provided sentence: "The most important things in my life are making money, traveling abroad, and to live well."

The correct structure of this sentence should be:

"The most important things in my life are making money, traveling abroad, and living well."

The incorrect part of the sentence is the phrase "to live well." Instead of using the infinitive form "to live," it should be the gerund form "living" to maintain parallelism with the other verb phrases in the list.

To correct the sentence, you can remove the "to" before "live" and simply write "living well."

So, the correct sentence would be:

"The most important things in my life are making money, traveling abroad, and living well."