the digit at the tens place of a 3 digit number is 4 more than the digit at its once place

What about the hundreds place?

x95, x84, x73, x62, x51

Need more info.

or x40

To find the digit at the tens place of a three-digit number, given that it is 4 more than the digit at the ones place, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Assign variables
Let's assign variables to the digits of the three-digit number:
- Let n represent the digit at the hundreds place.
- Let m represent the digit at the tens place.
- Let k represent the digit at the ones place.

Step 2: Write the equation
Based on the given information, the equation for the tens place digit is:
m = k + 4

Step 3: Determine the possible values for each digit
Since the number is a three-digit number, each digit can take values between 0 and 9, inclusive.

Step 4: Solve the equation
Start by substituting the possible values for the ones place digit (k) into the equation and calculate the corresponding value for the tens place digit (m).

For example, if k = 1:
m = 1 + 4 = 5

Repeat this process for each possible value of k to find the corresponding values of m.

Step 5: Analyze the results
There may be multiple solutions depending on the possible values of k.

In this case, the digit at the tens place of a three-digit number can be any number from 5 to 9, depending on the value of the ones place digit (k).

Note: If you have a specific three-digit number and want to find the exact digit at the tens place, please provide the number for a more accurate answer.