first five number of:

a) Palindromic numbers

b) Triangular numbers

c) Square numbers

Palindromic numbers , depends on what you want,

single digit numbers: 1 2 3 4 5
double digit numbers: 11 22 33 44 55
triple digit numbers: 111 121 131 141 151

Triangular numbers:
look at the number of billiard balls that can be placed in the standard triangle used in billiards
number of balls in first row -- 1
number of balls in first two rows --- 3
number of balls in first 3 rows ----- 6
number of balls in first 4 rows ----- 10
number of balls in first 5 rows ----- 15
So: 1 3 6 10 15

square numbers: 1 4 9 16 25

a) Palindromic numbers are numbers that read the same forwards as backwards. To find the first five palindromic numbers, we can start from the smallest, which is 0, and increment by 1 until we find five such numbers.

The first five palindromic numbers are:
1. 0
2. 1
3. 2
4. 3
5. 4

b) Triangular numbers are formed by adding consecutive natural numbers. The formula for the nth triangular number is n(n + 1) / 2. To find the first five triangular numbers, we can substitute the values of n from 1 to 5 into the formula.

The first five triangular numbers are:
1. 1
2. 3
3. 6
4. 10
5. 15

c) Square numbers are formed by multiplying a number by itself. To find the first five square numbers, we can start from 1 and continue squaring numbers until we have five.

The first five square numbers are:
1. 1
2. 4
3. 9
4. 16
5. 25