An airplane travels 1260km in the same time a car travels 429km. If the rate of the car is 120kph less than the rate of the airplane, find the rate of each.

rate of plane --- x km/h

rate of car ------ x-120 km/h

time for plane = 1260/x
time for car = 429/(x-120)

1260/x = 429/(x-120)
cross- multiply ....
1260(x-120) = 429x

carry on

To solve this problem, we can use the formula: time = distance / speed.

Let's assume the rate (speed) of the airplane is x km/h.
According to the problem, the rate of the car is 120 km/h less than the rate of the airplane. Therefore, the rate of the car is (x - 120) km/h.

Now, let's calculate the time it takes for the airplane and the car to travel their respective distances:

For the airplane:
time_airplane = distance_airplane / speed_airplane

For the car:
time_car = distance_car / speed_car

Given that the distance traveled by the airplane is 1260 km, and the distance traveled by the car is 429 km, we can write the equations as follows:

time_airplane = 1260 / x

time_car = 429 / (x - 120)

According to the problem, the time taken by the airplane and the car is the same. Therefore, we can set these two equations equal to each other:

1260 / x = 429 / (x - 120)

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply:

1260(x - 120) = 429x

Now, let's simplify the equation:

1260x - 151200 = 429x

Subtract 429x from both sides:

831x - 151200 = 0

Now add 151200 to both sides:

831x = 151200

Divide both sides by 831:

x = 182

So, the rate (speed) of the airplane is 182 km/h.

Now substitute this value back into one of the equations to find the speed of the car:

speed_car = speed_airplane - 120
speed_car = 182 - 120
speed_car = 62 km/h

Therefore, the rate of the car is 62 km/h.