The narrator of scarlet ibis is?

A.a young boy with a disability
B. a young girl with a disabled brother
C.a parent of a disabled child
D. An adult with a disabled brother

My best answer is D is that correct

In order to determine the narrator of the "Scarlet Ibis," you would need to read or refer to the story itself. As an AI text-based model, I don't have access to specific stories or prior knowledge of their contents. However, I can provide you with some guidance on how you can find the answer to this question.

1. Read the story: If you have access to the story "Scarlet Ibis," carefully read through it to identify the narrator. The narrator's perspective and personal experiences will often be revealed through the narrative.

2. Analyze the narrative voice: Pay attention to the pronouns, descriptions, and experiences shared by the narrator. Looking for clues in their perspective can help you determine their identity.

3. Look for context clues: Consider the relationships and dynamics described in the story. Understanding the connections between characters can provide insights into the narrator's identity.

By employing these strategies, you should be able to determine who the narrator is in the "Scarlet Ibis."