write a fortran program to read in the scores of 120 students in a class using an array

Certainly! Here's a sample FORTRAN program that reads in the scores of 120 students using an array:

program ReadScores
implicit none

! Declare variables
integer, parameter :: n_students = 120 ! Number of students
integer :: scores(n_students) ! Array to store scores
integer :: i ! Loop index

! Read in scores
do i = 1, n_students
write(*, '(A, I3, A)', advance='no') "Enter score for student ", i, ": "
read(*, *) scores(i)
end do

! Print scores
do i = 1, n_students
write(*, '(A, I3, A, I3)') "Score for student ", i, ": ", scores(i)
end do

end program ReadScores

1. The program starts by declaring the variables and parameters. `n_students` is set to 120, indicating the number of students in the class.
2. An array named `scores` is declared to store the scores of the students. Its size is determined by `n_students`.
3. A loop is used to read in the scores for each student. The loop iterates from 1 to `n_students`.
4. Inside the loop, a prompt is displayed using the `write` statement to ask for the score of each student. The `advance='no'` option in the `write` statement ensures that the cursor does not move to the next line after displaying the prompt.
5. The `read` statement is used to read the score entered by the user and store it in the appropriate element of the `scores` array.
6. Another loop is used to print the scores of all the students. Similar to the previous loop, it iterates from 1 to `n_students`.
7. Inside the loop, the `write` statement is used to display the student number and their corresponding score.

You can compile and run this program in a FORTRAN compiler to input and display the scores of the students in the class.