Two cars drive a total distance of 300km.

The distance that car A drives 2/3 of total distance than car B drives.
How far does car A drive?

To determine how far Car A drives, we need to do some calculations.

Let's assume that Car B drives x kilometers.

According to the information given, Car A drives 2/3 of the total distance that Car B drives. So, Car A drives (2/3)x kilometers.

We also know that the total distance covered by both cars is 300 kilometers. Therefore, the equation becomes:

x + (2/3)x = 300

To solve this equation, we need to find the value of x.

Combining like terms, we have:

(5/3)x = 300

To isolate x, we need to divide both sides of the equation by (5/3):

x = (300 * 3) / 5

x = 180

So, Car B drives 180 kilometers.

Now, to find the distance Car A drives, substitute the value of x back into the equation:

Car A drives (2/3) * 180 kilometers.

Car A drives (2/3) * 180 = 120 kilometers.

Therefore, Car A drives 120 kilometers.



Thank you Asyirah