Congresswoman Smith opened the Post and saw that a bean-counting scandal had been leaked to the press. Outraged, Smith immediately called an emergency meeting with the five other members of the Special Congressional Scandal Committee, the busiest committee on Capitol Hill.

Once they were all assembled in Smith's office, Smith declared, "As incredible as it sounds, I know that three of you always tell the truth. So now I'm asking all of you, who spilled the beans to the press?"
Congressman Schlock spoke up, "It was either Wind or Pocket"
Congressman Wind, outraged, shouted, "Neither Slie nor I leaked the scandal"
Congressman Pocket then chimed in, "Well both of you are lying"
This provoked Congressman Greede to say, "Actually, I know that one of them is lying and the other is telling the truth"
Finally, Congressman Slie, with steadfast eyes, stated, "No, Greede, that is not true."
Assuming that Congresswoman Smith's first declaration is true, can you determine who spilled the beans?

(I think Slie did it, but I can't figure out a way to make three of them tell the truth. I can only find ways for two of them to be telling the truth at any given time)

To determine who spilled the beans, let's analyze the statements made by each member of the Special Congressional Scandal Committee:

1. Congressman Schlock: "It was either Wind or Pocket."
2. Congressman Wind: "Neither Slie nor I leaked the scandal."
3. Congressman Pocket: "Well, both of you are lying."
4. Congressman Greede: "Actually, I know that one of them is lying and the other is telling the truth."
5. Congressman Slie: "No, Greede, that is not true."

Let's consider each possible scenario and see if we can find a combination where three members are telling the truth:

Scenario 1: Schlock is telling the truth.
If Schlock is telling the truth, one of Wind or Pocket leaked the scandal, and Slie is innocent. However, this scenario implies that both Wind and Pocket are lying, which contradicts Smith's initial statement that three members always tell the truth. Therefore, this scenario is not possible.

Scenario 2: Wind is telling the truth.
If Wind is telling the truth, it means both Slie and Pocket are lying. However, this scenario implies that three members - Wind, Slie, and Pocket - are lying, which again contradicts Smith's initial statement. Thus, this scenario is not possible either.

Scenario 3: Pocket is telling the truth.
If Pocket is telling the truth, it means both Wind and Slie are lying. This scenario aligns with Smith's initial statement that three members always tell the truth, as Schlock, Greede, and Pocket would be telling the truth in this case. Therefore, let's examine if this scenario satisfies the conditions.

In Scenario 3, Schlock, Greede, and Pocket are telling the truth, while Wind and Slie are lying. This implies that Pocket is the one who leaked the scandal because both Wind and Slie denied it. Therefore, Pocket is the person who spilled the beans to the press.

So, based on the given statements, it can be determined that Congressman Pocket is the one who leaked the bean-counting scandal to the press.