The table below shows the average distances of Jupiter and Earth from the sun.

Name of Planet
Average distance from the sun (in AU)

Jupiter 5.2
Earth 1.0

What is the difference between the orbital periods of Jupiter and Earth?
4.20 years
6.20 years
8.86 years
10.86 years
12.40 years

Just plug these numbers into your formula for orbital periods and subtract.

could you tell me the formual pls


Damn, lmaooo

To find the difference in the orbital periods of Jupiter and Earth, you need to calculate the time it takes for each planet to complete one revolution around the sun. The orbital period can be calculated using Kepler's third law of planetary motion, which states that the square of the orbital period is proportional to the cube of the average distance from the sun.

First, we need to calculate the orbital period for Earth:
Earth's average distance from the sun = 1.0 AU
Cube the average distance from the sun: 1.0^3 = 1.0
Since the orbital period of Earth is proportional to the cube of its average distance, the square of the orbital period is also 1.0.

Next, we calculate the orbital period for Jupiter:
Jupiter's average distance from the sun = 5.2 AU
Cube the average distance from the sun: 5.2^3 = 140.6
The orbital period for Jupiter is proportional to the cube of its average distance, so the square of the orbital period is 140.6.

To find the difference in the orbital periods, we subtract the square of Earth's orbital period from the square of Jupiter's orbital period:
140.6 (Jupiter's orbital period) - 1.0 (Earth's orbital period) = 139.6

Now, we need to find the square root of the difference to get the actual difference in the orbital periods:
√139.6 = 11.8

Therefore, the difference in the orbital periods of Jupiter and Earth is approximately 11.8 years.

None of the given answer choices match 11.8 years. It seems that there might be a mistake in the provided options.

google planetary orbit period

You will find lots of explanations, with the formula.

I cannot believe that this question was asked of you without providing the formula, either in class or in the text.

I also cannot believe that you expect someone to provide it for you.