Identify the main sound device employed by the poet, and discuss the effect it has by referring to 3 examples from the poem.

Small Passing - Ingrid de Kok.
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Of course! I'm here to help. "Small Passing" by Ingrid de Kok is a poem that explores the theme of loss and transience. In terms of sound devices employed by the poet, the main one I would identify is alliteration.

Alliteration is the repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words. It can create a rhythmic and musical quality in poetry while highlighting certain words or ideas. Let's take a look at three examples of alliteration from "Small Passing" and discuss the effect they have:

1. "small space slotted neatly" - The repetition of the "s" sound in "small space slotted" creates a soothing and soft tone. It recreates the gentle movement of air passing through a narrow opening, emphasizing the delicate nature of the subject matter.

2. "his eye is in the past" - The repeated "i" sound in "his eye is" brings attention to the concept of the past. It elongates the sound, mimicking the slow passing of time and suggesting a sense of longing or nostalgia.

3. "rain has been replaced" - Here, the repetition of the "r" sound in "rain replaced" creates a rough and rolling effect. It echoes the sound of raindrops falling and being replaced by something else. This alliteration intensifies the way one fleeting thing is substituted for another, reinforcing the theme of transience.

By employing alliteration throughout the poem, Ingrid de Kok not only adds musicality and rhythm to her verses but also enhances the imagery and themes present. The alliteration serves as a tool to create specific effects and engage the reader on multiple levels.