Simon swims 6 lengths of a swimming pool per day for x days . jade swim 5 more lengths per day than Simon for y days .

if jade Swam for 6 days and the total lengths swam is 114, how many days did Simon swim for ?

Simon's distance: 6x

Jade's distance: 11y

11*6 + 6x = 114

Let's break down the problem step by step.

Simon swims 6 lengths of a swimming pool per day for x days.
So, the total lengths Simon swims would be 6 * x.

Jade swims 5 more lengths per day than Simon for y days.
So, the total lengths Jade swims would be (6 + 5) * y, which simplifies to 11y.

According to the problem, Jade swam for 6 days and the total lengths swam is 114.
So, we can write the equation 11y = 114.

To find the value of y, we divide both sides of the equation by 11:
11y/11 = 114/11
y = 10.36 (rounded to two decimal places)

However, we can only have a whole number of days, so we take the nearest whole number, which is 10.

Therefore, Jade swam for 10 days.

Now we need to find out how many days Simon swam for.

Since Jade swam for 10 days and Simon swam for x days, the equation for the total lengths swam by Simon would be 6x.

The total lengths swam by Jade is given as 114, so we can write the equation 6x = 114.

To find the value of x, we divide both sides of the equation by 6:
6x/6 = 114/6
x = 19

Therefore, Simon swam for 19 days.