How do you put 11760 825 into expanded form

To put a number into expanded form, you need to break it down into the sum of its individual place values. Let's take the number 11760 as an example.

1. Determine the place values: The place values in a whole number are based on powers of 10. Starting from the right, the first digit represents the ones place, the second digit represents the tens place, the third digit represents the hundreds place, and so on.

2. Break down the number: Start by analyzing each digit in the given number and multiplying it by its respective place value.

In the number 11760, we have:
1 x 10,000 = 10,000
1 x 1,000 = 1,000
7 x 100 = 700
6 x 10 = 60
0 x 1 = 0

3. Add up the individual place values: Combine the results of the multiplication to get the expanded form of the number:
10,000 + 1,000 + 700 + 60 + 0 = 11,760

Therefore, the expanded form of the number 11760 is 10,000 + 1,000 + 700 + 60 + 0.

Is the blank space supposed to be a decimal point?

10,000 + 1,000 + 700 + ....

11,760,825 in expanded form

11760825 in multiplication expanded form