Develop An Algorithm And Draw the Flowcharts To Find the Sum of Odd Numbers Between 100 And 200


Print OS

Write an algorithm to find the sum of odd numbers between 100 and 200


[Initialize sum = 0 and num = 101]
[Is num <= 199?]
| |
| |
\|/ /|\
[Yes] [No]
| |
| |
\|/ /|\
[Add num [Print sum]
to sum] [End]
[Increase num by 2]
[Go to "Is num <= 199?"]


1. Initialize sum to 0 and set num to 101
2. Repeat the following steps until num is greater than 199:
a. Add num to sum
b. Increase num by 2
3. Print the value of sum
4. End

This algorithm and flowchart will iterate through odd numbers between 100 and 200, calculate their sum, and then print the result.

To find the sum of odd numbers between 100 and 200, we can follow these steps:

1. Initialize a variable `sum` to store the sum of the odd numbers.
2. Initialize a loop counter `num` with the value of 101 (the first odd number after 100).
3. Set up a loop to iterate until `num` reaches 199 (the last odd number before 200), with an increment of 2 in each iteration to skip even numbers.
4. Inside the loop, add the value of `num` to `sum`.
5. Increment `num` by 2.
6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 until `num` is equal to 199.
7. After completing the loop, `sum` will contain the sum of all odd numbers between 100 and 200.
8. Output the value of `sum` as the result.

Here is the flowchart representing the algorithm:

| |
| Start |
| |
| |
| Initialize sum to 0 |
| Initialize num to 101 |
| |
| |
| Is num >= 199? |
| |
| |
| Add num to sum |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| Increment num |
| |
| |
| Repeat |
| |
| |
| Output sum |
| |
| |
| End |
| |


Following this algorithm and flowchart, you can find the sum of odd numbers between 100 and 200.

maybe something like this:

n = 101
sum = 101
1 if n = 199 quit
n = n+2
sum = sum + n
go back to 1

quit ---> print the sum and end