3. Explain the difference in meaning between |­3| and ­3.

|-3| = 3

|+3| = 3

so two numbers on a number line have the same absolute value , |-3| and |+3|

To understand the difference between |­3| and -3, we need to understand their mathematical definitions.

First, let's start with |-3|. The vertical bars represent the absolute value of a number. The absolute value function essentially converts any negative number to its positive value. In the case of |-3|, it means taking the positive form of -3, which is 3. So, |-3| equals 3.

On the other hand, -3 by itself is a negative integer. It represents the negative value of 3. So, -3 is the opposite of 3 on the number line, placed to the left of zero.

In summary, |­3| denotes the absolute value of -3, which is 3, while -3 represents the negative value of 3.