I have two bodies, joined as one;

Watch this trick: Ill flip, stand still, and run.

What am I?

What is an Hourglass?

It is an Hourglass

To understand the answer to this riddle, let's break it down step by step.

1. "I have two bodies, joined as one:"
This indicates that the subject has two distinct parts that are connected or "joined" together.

2. "Watch this trick: I'll flip, stand still, and run:"
This line describes a sequence of actions: flipping, standing still, and running. It implies that the subject is capable of performing these actions.

Putting the two parts together, the answer to the riddle is a "book."

- A book consists of two parts, namely the front cover and the back cover, which are joined together.
- The description of flipping refers to flipping the pages of the book.
- Standing still represents keeping the book open without any movement.
- Running refers to reading or going through the pages of the book.

So, a book fits the given clues of having two bodies joined as one and performing the actions of flipping, standing still, and running.