A​ parachutist's elevation changes by −66 ft in 6 seconds. What is the change in the​ parachutist's elevation each​ second?


To find the change in elevation per second, we need to divide the total change in elevation by the total time.

Change in elevation = -66 ft
Total time = 6 seconds

Change in elevation per second = Change in elevation / Total time

Change in elevation per second = (-66 ft) / (6 seconds)

Calculating this, we get:

Change in elevation per second = -11 ft

Therefore, the change in the parachutist's elevation each second is -11 ft.

To find the change in the parachutist's elevation each second, you need to divide the total change in elevation by the time taken.

Change in elevation = -66 ft
Time taken = 6 seconds

To find the change in elevation per second:
Change in elevation per second = Change in elevation / Time taken

Change in elevation per second = -66 ft / 6 s

Now we can perform the division:

Change in elevation per second = -11 ft per second

Therefore, the change in the parachutist's elevation each second is -11 ft.
