What is the height of mt. Bona rounded to the nearest ten thousand feet


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what is the height of mt. bona rounded to neatest ten thousand feet

What is the h e i g h t of Mr bone

around it to the nearest 10,000 ft

To find the height of Mt. Bona rounded to the nearest ten thousand feet, we can follow these steps:

1. Look up the exact height of Mt. Bona. Mt. Bona is a mountain located in Alaska, USA.
2. According to available sources, the exact height of Mt. Bona is 16,550 feet.
3. Since we want to round to the nearest ten thousand feet, we need to determine whether to round up or down.
4. The rule for rounding is if the digit immediately to the right is 5 or greater, we round up. If it is 4 or less, we round down.
5. In this case, the digit immediately to the right of the ten thousand place (which is the thousands place) is 5.
6. Since the digit is 5, we round up.
7. Therefore, the height of Mt. Bona rounded to the nearest ten thousand feet is 20,000 feet.