I my room is 15 by 15 square feet, how many tiles would i need

Doesn't that depend on the size of each tile?

and the shape of the tiles.

What’s 6534 sq ft to tiles.

To determine the number of tiles you would need to cover a room that is 15 by 15 square feet, you first need to know the size of the tiles you plan to use. Let's assume you have square tiles that are each 1 square foot in size.

To calculate the number of tiles, you would divide the area of the room by the area covered by each tile.

1. Calculate the area of the room:
Area = Length x Width
Area = 15 ft x 15 ft
Area = 225 square feet

2. Calculate the area covered by each tile:
Area per tile = 1 square foot

3. Divide the area of the room by the area covered by each tile:
Number of tiles needed = Area of the room / Area per tile
Number of tiles needed = 225 square feet / 1 square foot
Number of tiles needed = 225 tiles

Therefore, you would need 225 tiles to cover a room that is 15 by 15 square feet, assuming each tile is 1 square foot in size.