3 times the age of Felicia is four more than the age of Tom.In three years,the sum of their ages will be 30 years.Find their present ages.

Felicia's age will be 5 and Tom's age will be 9 i.e. 5+4

How did you get your answer?

It is not correct

Felicia's present age .... f
Tom's present age ........ t

3f = t+4 **

f+3 + t+3 = 30
f+t = 24
t = 24 - f ***

sub *** into **
3f = 24-f + 4
4f = 28
f = 7
then t = 24-7 =17

Felicia is now 7 and Tom is now 17

three times Felicia's age is 21, which is 4 more than Tom's age
in three years from now:
Felicia is 10 and Tom is 20, with a sum of 30
My answer is correct.


To solve this problem, let's assign variables to represent their ages.

Let's say Felicia's age is "F" and Tom's age is "T."

According to the problem, "3 times the age of Felicia is four more than the age of Tom." This can be written as an equation:

3F = T + 4

Furthermore, we are given that "In three years, the sum of their ages will be 30 years." This can be represented by the equation:

(F + 3) + (T + 3) = 30

Now, we have a system of two equations:

1. 3F = T + 4
2. (F + 3) + (T + 3) = 30

To solve this system, we can use the substitution method.

From equation 1, we can solve for T in terms of F:
T = 3F - 4

Substitute this expression for T in equation 2:
(F + 3) + (3F - 4 + 3) = 30
F + 3 + 3F - 1 + 3 = 30
4F + 5 = 30
4F = 30 - 5
4F = 25
F = 25/4
F = 6.25

Substitute this value of F back into equation 1 to find T:
3(6.25) = T + 4
18.75 = T + 4
T = 18.75 - 4
T = 14.75

Therefore, Felicia's present age is 6.25 years and Tom's present age is 14.75 years.