secretary can type 12 pages per hour. There are a total of 152 pages to type. How many pages remain to be typed after 9 hours?

152 - (12 * 9) = ?

Well, if the secretary can type 12 pages per hour, then in 9 hours, they would have typed 12 pages per hour times 9 hours, which is 108 pages. So, after 9 hours, there would be 152 pages minus 108 pages, which is... (doing some quick math)... 44 pages remaining to be typed. That's a lot of typing! Let's hope the secretary has some strong fingers and a good sense of humor to get through it all!

If a secretary can type 12 pages per hour, then in 9 hours, the secretary can type 12 * 9 = <<12*9=108>>108 pages.

Therefore, after 9 hours, there would be 152 - 108 = <<152-108=44>>44 pages remaining to be typed.

To determine how many pages remain to be typed after 9 hours, we need to subtract the total number of pages typed in 9 hours from the total number of pages.

First, we calculate the total number of pages typed in 9 hours by multiplying the typing rate per hour (12 pages) by the number of hours (9):

Total number of pages typed in 9 hours = 12 pages/hour * 9 hours = 108 pages

Then, we subtract the total number of pages typed in 9 hours from the total number of pages:

Pages remaining to be typed = Total number of pages - Total number of pages typed in 9 hours = 152 pages - 108 pages = 44 pages

Therefore, after 9 hours, there are 44 pages remaining to be typed.