120 liter lemonade solution require 11%sugar and 9%juice solve for sugar and

juice requirements

juice: 9% of 120L = .09*120 = 1.08L

And so on

ooops. Misplaced the decimal point. I'm sure you can fix it.

To solve for the sugar and juice requirements in a 120-liter lemonade solution containing 11% sugar and 9% juice, we can use the concept of proportions.

Let's assume x represents the amount of sugar required, and y represents the amount of juice required.

1. Sugar Requirement:
Given that the lemonade solution is 11% sugar, it means that for every liter of the solution, 11% of it is sugar. So, we can set up the following proportion:

(x liters of sugar) / (120 liters of solution) = 11% = 0.11

Cross-multiplying, we get:
x = 0.11 * 120
x = 13.2 liters

Therefore, 13.2 liters of sugar is required for the lemonade solution.

2. Juice Requirement:
Similarly, we can set up a proportion for the juice requirement:

(y liters of juice) / (120 liters of solution) = 9% = 0.09

Cross-multiplying, we get:
y = 0.09 * 120
y = 10.8 liters

Hence, 10.8 liters of juice is required for the lemonade solution.

Therefore, the sugar requirement is 13.2 liters, and the juice requirement is 10.8 liters for a 120-liter lemonade solution with 11% sugar and 9% juice.