want to prove that JM is parallel to KL.

Quadrilateral JKLM with points J(-9;1) K(-4;1) L(2;3) M(6;6) is given.

(a) Prove that JM is parallel KM.
(b) Determine (by calculation) whether the diagonals JL and KM bisect each other.
(c) Prove that JKLM is an isosceles trapezium, by using the:
(1) diagonals
(2) sides

Ok, who is stopping you ?

To prove that JM is parallel to KL, you will need to use the properties of parallel lines. There are a few different methods you can use to demonstrate the parallel relationship. Here's one possible approach:

1. Identify the given information: Look for any given information or conditions that might be relevant to proving the parallel relationship. This could include angles, lengths, or other geometric properties.

2. Find corresponding angles: Look for pairs of angles that are congruent (equal) or supplementary (add up to 180 degrees) on intersecting lines. Corresponding angles on parallel lines are always congruent, so if you can find corresponding angles that are equal, it will support your proof.

3. Use transversal lines: Draw a transversal line, which is a line that intersects both JM and KL. In this case, the transversal line could be any other line that intersects both JM and KL, forming multiple angles.

4. Apply the properties of corresponding angles: Identify pairs of corresponding angles that are congruent. These are angles that are in matching positions on either side of the transversal and between the parallel lines. By showing that corresponding angles are congruent, you can demonstrate that the lines are parallel.

For a formal proof, you might want to use theorems such as the Alternate Interior Angles Theorem or the Consecutive Interior Angles Theorem. It may be helpful to label the angles and lines involved and state the theorems you are using to justify your steps.

Remember to check if the given information is sufficient to make the claim that JM is parallel to KL. If there is not enough information, you may need additional measurements or properties to prove the parallel relationship.