(-1.15) x 3.2 =

Please explain.

So my answer is 3.68?


Also, remember that the product of a positive and a negative number is always negative.

No. What about the sign?

To find the answer to this multiplication problem (-1.15) x 3.2, you simply multiply -1.15 by 3.2. Here's how to do it step by step:

1. Start by multiplying the decimal numbers as if they were whole numbers. Ignore the decimal points for now.
- Multiply 115 by 32: 115 x 32 = 3680.

2. Since there are two decimal places in -1.15 and one decimal place in 3.2, add these decimal places together in the answer. This gives us 3 decimal places.
- So far, the answer is 3680.

3. Place the decimal point in the answer by counting three places from the right. This finalizes the calculation.
- The final answer is -3.68.

Therefore, (-1.15) x 3.2 = -3.68.

Tutors did not do your homework,Sue.Very bad you are.And I'm sad when you didn't do Vivek Answers respectively.