ased by 10% and in august it declined by 20% in september it increased by 10% what was final declined?

a)3.2% b)zero c)20% d)none

What is "ased?"

"ased" is what got included from "increased"

1.10 * 0.80 * 1.10 = 0.968

so, it decreased by 3.2%

To find the final decline, we need to calculate the net effect of the percentage changes.

Let's start with the initial value before any changes. Let's assume it is 100.

Case 1: Increased by 10%
The initial value (100) increased by 10%:
Final value = 100 + (10/100) * 100 = 100 + 10 = 110

Case 2: Declined by 20%
The value from Case 1 (110) declined by 20%:
Final value = 110 - (20/100) * 110 = 110 - 22 = 88

Case 3: Increased by 10%
The value from Case 2 (88) increased by 10%:
Final value = 88 + (10/100) * 88 = 88 + 8.8 = 96.8

The final decline is the difference between the initial value (100) and the final value (96.8):
Decline = 100 - 96.8 = 3.2

Therefore, the final decline is 3.2%, which corresponds to option (a)