Your environment includes which of the following? Select only 2 responses.

Social conditions.(MY ANSWER)

Physical conditions.

Advocacy.(MY ANSWER)

1. c

2. physical conditions, social conditions
3. d

1. heredity

2. social conditions and physical conditions
3.your social environment
Hope this help;]

LOL the last answer says u friends you hang out with are which of the following, and one of the choices was bullying... LOLOLOL

Lun is correc.

Social ad physical.

Which of the answer is correct

Lun correct

Social conditions and Physical conditions

Question: he friends you hangout with at school are an example of...
your social environment.

Based on the given options, the environment includes social conditions and physical conditions. Here's an explanation of how to arrive at this answer:

1. Social conditions: This refers to the various factors related to human interactions within a specific society or community. It includes aspects such as cultural norms, economic conditions, educational opportunities, political systems, and social inequality. To identify this answer, you can analyze the concept of the environment and consider how social conditions affect the well-being of individuals and communities.

2. Physical conditions: This refers to the natural and built elements that comprise an environment, including landforms, climate, air and water quality, natural resources, buildings, infrastructure, and transportation systems. It encompasses the physical aspects of the environment that can directly impact living organisms. To identify this answer, think about the tangible and observable aspects of the environment.

Advocacy is not considered part of the environment itself but rather a concept or act where individuals or groups actively support a cause, promote change, or protect the environment. While it can play a role in influencing and shaping the environment, it is not a direct component of the environment itself.

Therefore, the correct answers are social conditions and physical conditions.

One of your answers is right.