Let f(x)= 2x - 1, g(x)= 3x - 2. Find the domain of the function,(f + g)(x)

The range of the function f(x)=(1/2) is the set of?

To find the domain of the function (f + g)(x), we need to consider the domain of both functions f(x) and g(x) and see if there are any restrictions.

First, let's find the domain of f(x) = 2x - 1. In general, linear functions have a domain of all real numbers. Therefore, there are no restrictions on the domain of f(x).

Next, let's find the domain of g(x) = 3x - 2. Similarly, since this is also a linear function, there are no restrictions on its domain, and it is defined for all real numbers.

Now, to find the domain of (f + g)(x), we need to consider the domain of both f(x) and g(x). Since f(x) and g(x) have no restrictions on their domains, their sum (f + g)(x) will also have a domain of all real numbers.

Thus, the domain of the function (f + g)(x) is all real numbers, or (-∞, +∞).

Thank you. Can you explain to me the difference between ( and [ ?


(f + g)(x) = 5x - 3

which is linear, thus the domain is the set of all real numbers.