There are 21 students in 6M.

12 students play football, 16 students
play cricket and there are 2 students
who don't play either sport.
How many play both sports?

If you construct a Venn diagram, it should be clear that

12+16-x = 21-2


To find out how many students play both sports, we need to use the principle of inclusion-exclusion.

First, we add the number of students who play football (12) and the number of students who play cricket (16), which gives us a total of 28 students. However, this count includes the students who play both sports twice, so we need to subtract the number of students who play both sports once.

Since there are 21 students in total, and 2 students do not play either sport, this means there are 19 students who play at least one of the two sports. So, we subtract this number from the total count:

28 - 19 = 9

Therefore, 9 students play both football and cricket.