write the fraction as a difference.

3x - 7

To write the fraction 3x - 7/12 as a difference, we need to express it as the difference of two terms.

Step 1: Start with the given fraction 3x - 7/12

Step 2: To write it as a difference, we can break 3x into two terms by introducing a new term. Let's call it y:

3x = y + (3x - y)

Step 3: We need to make sure the new term y does not affect the value of the fraction. To do this, we add and subtract the same value of y:

3x - 7/12 = y + (3x - y) - 7/12

Step 4: Now, we can simplify the expression:

3x - 7/12 = 3x - y - 7/12

So, the fraction 3x - 7/12 can be written as the difference (3x - y) - 7/12.

To write the fraction 3x - 7/12 as a difference, we can rewrite it as (3x/12) - (7/12).

3x/12 - 7/12