A boy sees a snake lying still in the road. He bends close to look at it. Suddenly, the snake moves. The boy jumps back.

A. A boy sees a snake lying in the road.

B. The snake is lying still in the road.

C. The boy bends down to look at it.

D. Suddenly, the snake moves (MY ANSWER)

What is the question?

Identify the climax in the following example.

Yes, D.

Thank u.

You're welcome.

D. Suddenly, the snake moves.


To determine the correct answer, we need to identify the event that caused the boy to jump back. In the given scenario, the snake moving is what startled the boy and caused him to jump back.

Here's how you can arrive at the correct answer:

- Read all the given statements, paying attention to the details of each event.
- Ask yourself, "What caused the boy to jump back?" In this case, it was the sudden movement of the snake.
- Analyze each statement to see which one accurately describes the event of the snake moving. In this case, statement D, "Suddenly, the snake moves," accurately describes the event that caused the boy's reaction.

Therefore, the correct answer is D. Suddenly, the snake moves.