If p=2, evaluate (34+18p)-(5+p)

Replace 2 instead p in your equation.

( 34 + 18 p ) - ( 5 + p ) =

( 34 + 18 * 2 ) - ( 5 + 2 ) =

34 + 36 - 7 =

70 - 7 = 63


To evaluate the expression (34+18p)-(5+p) when p=2, we substitute the value of p into the expression and perform the calculations according to the rules of arithmetic.

Step 1: Substitute p=2 into the expression: (34+18(2))-(5+2)
Step 2: Calculate 18(2) = 36: (34+36)-(5+2)
Step 3: Perform the additions within each pair of parentheses: 70-(5+2)
Step 4: Evaluate the addition within the second pair of parentheses: 70-7
Step 5: Perform the subtraction: 63

Therefore, when p=2, the expression (34+18p)-(5+p) evaluates to 63.