4 ties and 7 shirts cost $746 . A shirt cost $50 more than a tie . What is the cost of the tie ?

let ties be t, let shirts be s.

A tie cost 99$

Efa needs to learn that the dollar sign ($) goes BEFORE the number, not after.


If Efa is going to "help" others, he/she needs to get things right, even what seem like the little things.

easier way (and correct answer) :

let the cost of a tie be $x
cost of a shirt = $(x+50)

4x + 7(x+50) = 746
4x + 7x + 350 = 746
11x = 396
x = 36

Each tie costs $36, (and a shirt costs $86)

expensive tastes!

Wow ... it looks as if Efa needs to stop "helping" other students. =(

To find the cost of a tie, let's assume that the cost of a tie is "x".

According to the given information, there are 4 ties and 7 shirts, and the total cost of both is $746.

The cost of 4 ties can be calculated as 4x.
The cost of 7 shirts can be calculated as 7(x + $50) since each shirt costs $50 more than a tie.

Therefore, we can set up the equation:

4x + 7(x + $50) = $746

Now let's solve for x:

4x + 7x + $350 = $746
11x = $746 - $350
11x = $396

Dividing both sides of the equation by 11:
x = $396 / 11
x ≈ $36

Therefore, the cost of a tie is approximately $36.