Mrs. Sen makes two third of her garden into a vegetable garden. She plants tomatoes in one fourth of the vegetable garden. what fraction of the garden does she use to grow tomatoes?

2/3 * 1/4



It's not correct

To find the fraction of the garden that Mrs. Sen uses to grow tomatoes, we need to multiply the fractions that represent the proportion of the garden she uses for vegetables and tomatoes.

First, let's represent the proportion of the garden she uses for vegetables. Mrs. Sen makes two-thirds of her garden into a vegetable garden. The fraction representing the vegetable garden is 2/3.

Next, let's find the fraction representing the proportion of the vegetable garden that Mrs. Sen uses to grow tomatoes. She plants tomatoes in one-fourth of the vegetable garden. So, the fraction representing the tomato garden is 1/4.

To find the fraction of the entire garden that Mrs. Sen uses to grow tomatoes, we need to multiply these two fractions:

(2/3) * (1/4) = 2/12

Therefore, Mrs. Sen uses 2/12, or simplified to 1/6, of her garden to grow tomatoes.

Imelda planted vegetables in 1/2 of her garden. She divided the other half of her garden into 3 equal sections. She planted rose bushes in one section, tulips in the second section, and irises in the third section. Imelda says she planted tulips in 2/3 of the whole garden. Which number sentence best show whether Imelda is correct?

2 divided 3 = 2/3
1/2 divided 3 - 1/6
1/2 x 3 - 3/2
2/3 x 1/2 = 13