A pet store currently carries 3 times as many dogs as cats and twice as many cats as rabbits. if store carried ten fewer dogs than it currently does, it would have an equal number of dogs and rabbits. how many cats does store currently carry

number of rabbits ---- x

number of cats ------- 2x
number of dogs ----- 3(2x) = 6x

6x - 10 = x
5x = 10
x = 2

so 2 rabbits
4 cats
12 dogs

The ratio of cats to dogs at the pet store this weekend was 8 to 5.

If there were 24 cats, how many dogs were at the pet store?

Let's call the number of rabbits in the pet store "R".

According to the information given, the number of cats would be twice the number of rabbits. So, the number of cats is 2R.

The number of dogs is three times the number of cats. Therefore, the number of dogs is 3(2R) = 6R.

If the store carried ten fewer dogs, the new number of dogs would be 6R - 10.

Given that the number of dogs and rabbits would be equal in this scenario, we can set up the equation:

6R - 10 = R

To solve for R, subtract R from both sides of the equation:

6R - R = 10

5R = 10

Now, divide both sides by 5:

R = 10/5

R = 2

So, the store currently carries 2 rabbits.

Since the number of cats is twice the number of rabbits, the store currently carries 2 x 2 = 4 cats.

Let's break down the information given step by step to solve the problem.

1. Let's assume the number of rabbits is "r".
2. The number of cats is twice as many as rabbits, so the number of cats is 2r.
3. The number of dogs is three times as many as cats, so the number of dogs is 3 * (2r) = 6r.

Now, the problem states that if the store carried ten fewer dogs than it currently does, it would have an equal number of dogs and rabbits. Let's consider this scenario:
- If there are 10 fewer dogs, the new number of dogs would be 6r - 10.
- Since the number of dogs would be the same as the number of rabbits, we can equate the two: 6r - 10 = r.

Now we can solve this equation to find the value of "r" (the number of rabbits).