The total distance from Timothy's house to school was 9.18 km.He travelled by bus for part of the journey and walked the rest of the way.The distance he walked was 7.95 km less than the distance he travelled by bus.How far did Timothy walk.

if he walked x km, then he rode x+7.95

now add them up so they make the whole distance.

total distance- 9.18.

7.95 +x =travelled by bus.
9.18 - 7.95/2.

Well, Timothy must have been really tired of those bus seats. How far did he walk, you ask? Well, it seems like he walked a whopping 7.95 km less than the distance he traveled by bus. So, if we do a little math magic here, Timothy walked 9.18 km - 7.95 km = 1.23 km. That's one serious promenade!

To find out how far Timothy walked, we need to set up an equation based on the given information.

Let's call the distance Timothy traveled by bus as "x" km. We know that he walked 7.95 km less than the distance he traveled by bus, so the distance he walked can be represented as "x - 7.95" km.

According to the information given, the total distance from Timothy's house to school was 9.18 km. This can be expressed as the sum of the distance he traveled by bus and the distance he walked:

x + (x - 7.95) = 9.18

Now, we can solve this equation to find the value of "x" and then calculate the distance Timothy walked.

x + x - 7.95 = 9.18
2x - 7.95 = 9.18
2x = 9.18 + 7.95
2x = 17.13
x = 17.13 / 2
x = 8.565

Therefore, Timothy traveled approximately 8.565 km by bus. To find out how far he walked, we subtract 7.95 km from this:

Distance Timothy walked = x - 7.95 = 8.565 - 7.95 = 0.615 km

So, Timothy walked approximately 0.615 km.
