the colored stripes pattern red,blue,blue,green,yellow repeats on wall paper.what will be the color of the 32nd stripe

Should there be two blues?

Divide 32 by the number of colors. Then count over in the list the remainder.

For example, your list has 5 colors

32/5 = 6 R2
So, there are six complete cycles, with 2 left over. The 32nd stripe is thus blue.

If you only wanted 4 colors, the do that division instead.

A zero remainder means there are no extra stripes, so the 32nd stripe will be the last in the list.

To determine the color of the 32nd stripe in the repeating pattern, you need to find the pattern's cycle length. The given pattern sequence is red, blue, blue, green, yellow, and it repeats after every 5 stripes.

To calculate the position of the 32nd stripe, you can use the modulo operator (%), which gives you the remainder when a number is divided by another number. In this case, we can find the position of the 32nd stripe by calculating 32 % 5.

32 divided by 5 equals 6, with a remainder of 2. This means that the 32nd stripe is in the same position as the 2nd stripe in the repeating pattern.

Therefore, the color of the 32nd stripe will be blue.