Your client has seen a very costly brass bed that she's determined to have. It appears to you to be a good item for her room and worth it's price. Unfortunately, it's costs exceeds the entire amount planned for redecorating her bed room. The living room is to be redecorated, too. What should you do?

A- see what can be eliminated from the clients budget to pay for the balence of the bed. Then reassess the remaining budget for priorities.

B- convince her to forget about the bed until some future time when she can afford it. Stick to the original budget.

C- get the bed for her. Postpone the rest of the bedroom and living room redecorating until she can afford it.

D- redecorating only the living room at this time. Redecorate the bedroom when she can afford what she wants.

Is the answer A or D?
I'm leaning more towards D but idk, please help!

I like A.

To determine the best course of action in this situation, it's important to consider the client's priorities and financial constraints. Here's an explanation of both options:

Option A: See what can be eliminated from the client's budget to pay for the balance of the bed. Then reassess the remaining budget for priorities.
- This option involves analyzing the client's budget and identifying possible areas where expenses can be reduced or eliminated to accommodate the cost of the bed. After making adjustments, the remaining budget can be reassessed to prioritize other necessary redecorating expenses.

Option D: Redecorating only the living room at this time. Redecorate the bedroom when she can afford what she wants.
- This option suggests focusing on redecorating the living room first within the existing budget, while postponing the bedroom redecoration until the client can afford the desired brass bed or additional items. This ensures that the client can still proceed with the redecoration plans but focuses on one area at a time based on available funds.

Considering the information provided, both options have their advantages.

Option A allows for immediate fulfillment of the client's desires by finding potential savings within the budget, but it may require compromising on other redecorating priorities.

On the other hand, Option D ensures that the entire living room is redecorated within the planned budget, while postponing the bedroom redecoration. This maintains the integrity of the initial budget but delays the fulfillment of the specific desire for the brass bed.

Ultimately, the best course of action depends on the client's preferences and priorities. It would be advisable to have a detailed discussion with the client, taking into consideration their specific circumstances and feelings towards these options, to reach a decision that aligns with their goals and financial capabilities.