

= 3 - 2i

√-1 = i
√-16 = √4 x √-1
= 2i

eh? √16 = √4 ?

The expression (3-√-16) involves taking the square root of a negative number. However, the square root of a negative number is not a real number. In mathematics, the square root of a negative number is often represented using the imaginary unit "i", which is defined as √(-1).

To simplify the expression, let's rewrite it as (3 - √16i^2) since √-16 can be written as √16 * √i^2.

Next, we can simplify √16 to be 4, so the expression becomes (3 - 4i).

Therefore, the simplified form of (3 - √-16) is (3 - 4i).