Decide whether perimeter or area should be considered when buying

needed for a

What are tilestiles ?

pretty sure it's area.

When deciding whether to consider perimeter or area when buying tiles for a floor, it is important to understand the difference between the two.

The perimeter of a shape is the distance around its outer edge. In the context of a floor, it refers to the total length of the sides of the floor. On the other hand, the area of a shape is the space it occupies, measured in square units. In the context of a floor, it refers to the total surface area that needs to be covered by tiles.

To determine whether to consider perimeter or area when buying tiles, consider the following factors:

1. Tile Size: If you are using small tiles, calculating the perimeter may be more relevant, as you may need to cut tiles to fit along the edges. For larger tiles, the area becomes more significant.

2. Flooring Layout: If you have a complex flooring layout with many corners or partitions, considering the perimeter might be more crucial to ensure you have enough tile edge coverage. If the floor has a straightforward layout, focusing on the area might be sufficient.

3. Tile Patterns: If you plan to use specific tile patterns, such as diagonal or herringbone, calculating the perimeter will help determine the number of tiles needed for the desired pattern. Whereas, if you plan to use a simple grid pattern, focusing on the area might be more straightforward.

In most cases, it is recommended to consider both the perimeter and the area when buying tiles for a floor. Calculating the area will give you an overall estimate of the number of tiles needed, while considering the perimeter will help account for any additional tiles required for edge coverage or specific patterns. It is always advisable to consult with a professional or use an online tile calculator to ensure accuracy in your calculations.