I would like to to research on Concussions in College Football Players but am having trouble trying to use the PICOT to formulate a question.

This is what I have so far:

In college football athletes with concussions does current treatments and management compared to past treatments and management reduce the amount of concussions seen in these athlete?


Study these pages and decide what you will put in which order and how you'll phrase each part.

To further refine your research question using the PICOT framework, which stands for Population, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome, and Timeframe, you can consider the following elements:

Population: Specify the specific population you are interested in studying. In this case, it would be college football players who have experienced concussions.

Intervention: Identify the specific intervention or current treatments and management strategies that you want to investigate in relation to reducing concussions.

Comparison: Determine the specific comparison(s) you want to make regarding different periods, treatments, management protocols, or approaches. For example, you mentioned comparing current treatments and management to past treatments and management. Are there any specific changes or advancements you want to explore?

Outcome: Decide what specific outcome(s) you want to measure or assess in relation to the effectiveness of the interventions and comparisons. For example, you could explore the reduction in the frequency or severity of concussions, improvements in player recovery time, or long-term effects on player health.

Timeframe: Determine the timeframe within which you want to examine the interventions and comparisons. For example, are you interested in comparing the effects over the past five years, the last decade, or a certain football season?

By integrating the above elements, your refined research question could be something like:

"In college football athletes who have experienced concussions, do current treatments and management protocols, compared to past treatments and management approaches, result in a statistically significant reduction in the frequency and severity of concussions within the past [specified timeframe]?"

Remember, the specificity of your research question will guide your literature review and ensure you obtain accurate and relevant information for your study.