The expenses of orphanage are party constant and partly vary as the number of the boys in the orphanage. The expenses were Rs. 10,000 for 150 boys and Rs. 8,400 for 120 boys . Find the expenses for 330 boys.

No not switching names that's my friend Sarvesh. We both study together

Can u please answer one more question of his?

To find the expenses for 330 boys, we can first determine the rate at which the expenses vary with the number of boys.

Let's assume that the expenses vary linearly with the number of boys. We can find the rate by calculating the rate of change in expenses per boy.

Step 1: Find the rate of change in expenses per boy
First, calculate the change in expenses:
Change in expenses = Rs. 10,000 - Rs. 8,400 = Rs. 1,600

Next, calculate the change in the number of boys:
Change in boys = 150 - 120 = 30

Now, calculate the rate of change in expenses per boy:
Rate of change = Change in expenses / Change in boys
= Rs. 1,600 / 30
= Rs. 53.33 per boy

Step 2: Calculate the expenses for 330 boys
Since we know the rate of change in expenses per boy, we can use it to calculate the expenses for 330 boys.

Expenses for 330 boys = Rs. 8,400 + (Rate of change * Change in boys)
= Rs. 8,400 + (Rs. 53.33 * (330 - 120))
= Rs. 8,400 + (Rs. 53.33 * 210)
= Rs. 8,400 + Rs. 11,196.30
= Rs. 19,596.30

Therefore, the expenses for 330 boys would be Rs. 19,596.30.

your equation takes the form

cost = nx + b, where x is the number of boys, n is the cost per boy and b is the constant

given: (150,10000) and (120,8400)
cost per boy = (10000 - 8400)/(150-120)
= 160/3
(notice this is just like finding the "slope" )

Cost = (160/3)x + b
use of the cases, (150,10000)
10000 = (160/3)(150) + b
b = 2000

cost = (160/3)x + 2000
when x = 330
cost = (160/3)(330) + 2000 = 19600

Thankyou :D


Why are you switching names ?